Mental Health

*This segment was recorded prior to the Pandemic*       *Este segmento fue grabado antes de la pandemia*
Mental health conditions can affect anybody regardless of race or gender. In this segment Zydalis Bauer speaks with Virmarit Davila-Sanchez from River Valley Counseling Center in Springfield and Dr. Madeline Aviles-Hernandez from the Gandara Center about how mental health is affecting the Hispanic/Latino community. They talk about some of the stigmas that exist, the importance of being bilingual and bicultural as a mental health specialist and what resources exist for the community.

Las condiciones de salud mental pueden afectar a cualquier persona independientemente de su raza o género. En este segmento, Zydalis Bauer habla con Virmarit Davila-Sanchez del Centro de Consejería River Valley en Springfield y la Dra. Madeline Aviles-Hernandez del Centro Gandara sobre cómo la salud mental está afectando a la comunidad hispana / latina. Hablan sobre algunos de los estigmas que existen, la importancia de ser bilingüe y bicultural como especialista en salud mental y qué recursos existen para la comunidad.

For more information about this topic, read the article by UMASS students: Sara Mejia and Ryan Silk

Mental health is a difficult topic of conversation for many individuals. The Latinx community that dominates various cities across the United States, encounters many external forces that prevent them from receiving the same level of care and mental health resources as other citizens. The Gándara Center has strived to achieve and refine the image of mental health within the Latinx community by supporting and meeting the economic needs of those within the community.

Mental Health in the Latinx Community

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