Home Ownership

*This segment was recorded prior to the Pandemic*       *Este segmento fue grabado antes de la pandemia*

En este segmento Veronica Garcia converso con: Araseli Rivera Senior homeownership advisor de Way Finder y Vivian Rodriguez HCV-FSS case manager and Home ownership coordinator; las cuales nos hablaran de las ventajas, desventajas y requisitos que necesitaran para ser dueño de su propio hogar. Tambien nuestras invitadas explican si hay fondos disponibles que puedas cualificar en el área que estás buscando rentar o comprar. Y por último nos informaron sobre las clases de capacitación y como solicitar recursos financieros.

Veronica Garcia speaks with Araseli Rivera, Senior Homeownership Advisor from Way Finder and Vivian Rodriguez, HCV-FSS Case Manager and Homeownership Coordinator, about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a home and the requirements to be able to do so. The guests also explain what funds people can qualify for in the area they are looking to rent or buy. Finally, they inform us about the training and financial resources available.

For more information about this topic, read the article by UMASS students: Hannah Walsh and John Roberts

There is a large Latino population in the US, but only 25 percent of American Latinos are considered homeowners. What is causing such low numbers of home ownership in Latino communities? How can we make changes to increase these numbers? In Springfield and Holyoke, Spanish-speaking home-buyer assistance programs have been launched; they have been specifically set up to assist Western Mass Latinos in the home-buying process.

Latino Housing Made Easier_ How and Where to Get Help

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