Climate Change

*This segment was recorded prior to the Pandemic*    *Este segmento fue grabado antes de la pandemia*

La conductora Veronica Garcia conversa con el Dr. Carlos Vargas-Ramos, Director of Public Policy Center for Puerto Rican Studies, New York y Ernesto Cruz, Director of Community Organizing Co-op Power, Florence, MA, los cuales nos hablan de las causas, efectos y como estamos enfrentando los retos del cambio Ambiental en nuestro estado y nacion. Dr. Vargas, nos explica los efectos climaticos que ha enfrentado ultimamente la comunidad puertoriquena las cual han causado la salida de miles de puertoriquenos a rehubicarse en otros estados y naciones. Nuestros invitados nos brindan ideas de como cuidar el medio ambiente.

Host, Veronica Garcia, talks with Dr. Carlos Vargas-Ramos, Director of Public Policy Center for Puerto Rican Studies, New York and Ernesto Cruz, Director of Community Organizing Co-op Power, Florence, MA, who tell us about the causes, effects, and how we are facing the challenges of climate change in our state and nation. Dr. Vargas, explains to us the climatic effects that the Puerto Rican community has faced lately, which have caused the departure of thousands of Puerto Ricans to relocate to other states and nations. Our guests give us ideas on how to take care of the environment.

For more information about this topic, read the article by UMASS students: Brianna Alexander & Lila Kozlik

Climate change is something that affects the Latino community – not only a global scale, but on the local scale, too. Hurricanes in Puerto Rico have significantly affected the livelihood of those on the island and air pollution is impacting communities in Springfield’s North End.

The effects of climate change on the Latino community


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